Energy management techniques and topologies suitable for hybrid energy storage system powered electric vehicles: An overview
Rayavarapu Srinivasa Sankarkumar, Rajasekar Natarajan
International Transcactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Energy management system (EMS) in an electric vehicle (EV) is the system involved for smooth energy transfer from power drive to the wheels of a vehicle. During acceleration and deceleration periods, batteries in EV undergo high peak power consumption. Therefore, battery lifecycle degrades and subsequently reduces the drive range of an EV. Thus, hybridization of different energy resources becomes essential and seen as one of the alternative solutions for afore said issues. Further, hybridization along with efficient EM strategies helps to: (i) optimally utilize the energy storage systems during discharging and charging, (ii) improve the performance which in turn improves efficiency, and (iii) extend the drive range (iv) reduce the battery size. Though, many articles have been reported so far in literature for hybrid energy storage system (HESS) related to EM techniques; comprehensive review on: the configurations related to HESS, various EM strategies used in EV, performance evaluation of EM strategies for HESS configurations is not yet published. Therefore, this paper intends to provide a comparative assessment on different types of HESS topologies, types of EM techniques. The performance indices based on battery peak current reduction; amount of power stored back during regenerative braking has been compared and discussed. Further, a comparative analysis has been made on the system design and voltage variations. Hence, this review may be a nonstop solution for researchers and engineers working in the field of EVs.